Mary DeWitt Painting
Life-Sentenced Women and Their Advocates

LJ Kittle, oil, wax, graphite on mylar, 60"x36”, 2014​
Video of Kittle's voice and the development of this portrait.​
LJ Kittle was a Treatment Clinical Supervisor at SCI Muncy.

Kennetta Andrews, oil wax and graphite on paper, 60"x36", 2014
Video of Andrews' voice and the portrait development.

Cyd Berger, oil on mylar, 20"x20", 1996
We have collaborated since the late 1980's. More here.

Brenda Watkins, oil and graphite on mylar, 48"x48", 2018
Video of Watkin's voice and portrait development.

Sharon Wiggins, 48"x60", acrylic paint on glass, reversed, 2010
Video of Wiggins describes her Grandmother's memory of the KKK with the developing portrait.

Paulette Carrington, oil on mylar, 48"x48", 2018

Rose Dinkins, I AM, oil on mylar, 30"x 36", 2016

Portrait of Teri Smallwood Gelb Gallery Poster
Video Of Smallwood's voice with developing portrait.

Avis Lee, oil on mylar. 60""x36", 2018
more portraits and
Video of Lee's voice and developing portrait