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Betty Heron is 84 years old, incarcerated for 42 years

In 2023, Betty Heron, an 83 year old woman enduring 41 years of incarceration, (now 42)was refused her plea for freedom by the Pennsylvania Board of Pardons.

In 1982, she was sentenced to life without parole. A battered woman, she was sentenced before the battered women's syndrome was a well articulated defense. 

At her hearing in 2023, her plea for freedom was sabotaged by a victim's family member.

Do the Math refers to her 42 years in prison. Forty two is half her age. She began her life without parole sentence at the age of forty two. 42+42=84.

Both Betty Heron and Cyd Berger were battered women in the early 1980s.

After over four decades, the Pennsylvania Board of Pardons rejects their freedom.

Victim's families' misinformed, unchallenged testimonies obstruct the freedom of Betty Heron and Cyd Berger.

The Pennsylvania Board of Pardons has been cavalier about the lives of legions of incarcerated individuals. This system is severely broken. 

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Oil study for Do the Math, oil on canvas, 60"x60", 2024

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In studio with underpainting of

Betty Heron, 2020 SOS Series

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Betty, Study for Tile Mural, oil on mylar, 68"x63", 2024

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Betty Heron, oil, wax, pastel on mylar, 20"x20", 1996

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Betty Heron as Caryatid, pastel on paper, 32"x48", 1994

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